This app is a place for women to protect, support, and empower other women.
A place where woman can speak freely, openly, and honestly without the fear of harassment or intimidation.
There are four main uses of this app:
-It can be used as a place where women can warn other women about liars, cheaters, abusers, or anyone who exhibits any type of toxic or dangerous behavior.
-It can be used to check to see if anyone has posted any warnings about someone that you’re considering dating.
-It can be used to inquire about someone you're dating or may potentially date to see if anyone has had any experiences with that person.
-This is a safe space where women can ask for advice and relationship support, as well as post anything else dating related that can help bring us together, keep us safe, or help us help each other.
We strive to cultivate an atmosphere of acceptance, inclusiveness, and support. We do not allow any bullying, gaslighting, shaming, victim blaming, or aggressive behavior towards any other women in the group. Racism in any form will lead to immediate banning from the group.
This group is about protecting and empowering women. Not judging men. We do not allow mean spirited or judgmental comments based on a guy’s looks, age, or occupation, nor do we allow anything posted solely to make fun of anyone.
Feel free to post anonymously if the option is available for your account. We will never reveal anyone’s identity to anyone when something is posted anonymously.
For the safety of others, do not screenshot or share anything you see in this group. We have very strict rules on showing anything from this group to anyone outside of this group, as well as speaking about this group publicly. Anyone caught violating these rules will be banned.
We do our best to keep this space as safe as we can, but we can't guarantee that something said in the group won't be leaked by another member. Please be mentally prepared for the possibility that things you say here may get back to who you wrote about. We suggest posting anonymously as well as making the details of your story vague enough to not trace back to you.
We have a network of over 150 groups with a total of roughly 3 million members, and we’re completely run by a small team of volunteers. Try to keep in mind that we have jobs and lives outside of this, and that we can’t always be available. Please be patient with the admins and moderators.
Please make sure enough details are visible on your profile for us to ensure your account is definitely real prior to submitting a member request or else your request will be denied. Please do not message the admins or moderators asking them to accept your member request.
National DV Help:
Hotline - (800) 799-7233
SMS - Text START to 88788
Website - https://www.thehotline.org
Online Chat - https://chat.thehotline.us/v2/index.html
National SA Help:
Hotline - (800) 656-4673
Website - https://hotline.rainn.org
Online Chat - https://online.rainn.org